My eBird  is your personal eBird hub. It's your one stop to manage, share, and explore your eBird activity. Check out the video to get an overview, or use the links below to read about specific features.

In this article

Your eBird Profile

Your eBird profile is a place to view your eBird activity and share a little bit about yourself if you want. The most notable feature is the “profile map”, where each region is colored based on your eBird activity there. What area will you fill in next?

eBird Profile

Tap “Change Region” to zoom in to a specific country, province, or county. Click on the statistics at the top to toggle the map display between species, checklists, and media.  

Customize your profile by clicking “Edit Profile” on the left side of the page. From here, you can upload a profile photo, write your About Me section, and set the default region for both your profile map and My eBird Page.

Profile privacy

You can choose whether or not to make your profile public or to show your latest checklists. 

If you make your profile public, it will be visible to logged-in eBird users anywhere your name appears in eBird, such as a checklist, the Top 100 at a hotspot, or the Overview page for a region.

My eBird

My eBirding stats

My eBird has all of the tools for you to go back and look at your past contributions to eBird. Blue text are links, allowing you to further explore your eBird activity. These values are automatically updated with every checklist you submit.

Tap “Change Region” to explore your eBird submissions for a different major region from county to worldwide.

Pro Tip: To ensure your My eBird totals are accurate, choose your location accurately and keep checklists for each new location.

Species Totals for smaller regions within your selected region are displayed below the activity charts. From the worldwide view, click an individual country to see your state/province totals for that country. Click on a state or province to see your county totals. Click "Zoom Out" at the top to return to the larger region.

Pro Tip: The default region for My eBird is worldwide. To change this, choose a new default region for your eBird Profile. 

Summarize your observations

Summary of eBirda activity for current year

Below your name is a summary of your eBird activity for the current year, month, and day. Click the blue numbers to generate a list of all the species you've reported from that time period. For example, click the number below "Day" for a list of all the species you reported today! You can then further refine the list for a specific region or species.

eBirding over time 

The bar charts on My eBird are a fun way to see how your current eBird activity compares to previous years. Blue bars mark your total species or checklists up to today's date each year, and gray bars mark your total at the end of the selected time period (current month or entire year). These charts are a great way to set goals and make this month and year your best ever in eBird!

eBirding activity over time

Manage your eBird data

The Manage tools in the sidebar allow you to quickly access and edit your observations. On mobile devices, these tools can be accessed by tapping the "Manage" button.  The Manage and Explore tools allow you to:

Manage Your Checklists - the place to view, edit, share, or in rare cases, permanently delete your eBird checklists. Clicking any of the column headers (e.g. Date, Location, County, State/Province) will sort by that column.

Manage Shared Checklists- view and accept checklists that other eBird users share with you. Checklists that you have yet to accept are shown with "Accept/Decline" options. "Replace/Keep" will appear if a checklist creator re-shares a revised checklist with you. In this case, you can "Keep” the original checklist and decline the new version. Learn more about sharing eBird checklists.

Manage Locations- This tool allows you to rename, move, or “merge” any of your locations in eBird. Locations come from where you place your checklists. Read more about managing checklist locations.

Manage Data Imports - See a log of the spreadsheet data you've imported. Learn how to upload spreadsheet data to eBird.

Manage Friends and Contacts - add or delete other eBird users from your list of contacts, or make them eBird Friends for easier checklist sharing, learn more.

Sightings Lists: exploring your data

Your Life List is the total number of species that you've ever reported to eBird. We hope that this number reflects your real-life life list. Check out this article if you have older sightings that are not yet in eBird: entering your pre-eBird life list.

Tap the total species observed or "Sightings Lists" in the Manage tools to get a summary of all the species you've reported to eBird. Click the globe, calendar, or bird icons to further refine your list by location, date, or species, respectively.

Ways to filter personal eBird data

Here is what you can do with your Sightings List:

  • Toggle between first and/or most recent time you reported any species
  • "View All" will show you every time you reported that species to eBird
  • Click on any species name to visit its Explore Species page, where you can view media, species maps, and more
  • Any link in the Location column will display your life list for that specific location
  • Any link in the Date column will take you to either your first or most recent checklist containing that species

Download your eBird Data

To download all of your personal eBird dataGo to My eBird and click "Download My Data" in the sidebar (tap "Manage" on mobile devices). You will be sent a spreadsheet that you can store on your personal computer, allowing you to manually backup your eBird data whenever you choose.

To download subsets of your eBird data: Use the Sightings Lists page to create a custom list of your eBird observations for a particular region, location, date, and/or species. Then, click the cloud icon or "Download" button to download a spreadsheet of those particular observations. 

Download csv button

Changeable Hawk-eagle

Changeable Hawk-eagle (Changeable) by Aseem Kothiala/Macaulay Library (ML232966591)