Account actions

Subscribe/Unsubscribe from eBird Emails

eBird offers two free, regular email subscriptions: Alerts and Newsletters.

Alerts are custom subscriptions for bird reports in a region that you can opt-in to from the Alerts page. More information on how to unsubscribe from eBird Alerts

You must be logged in to your eBird account in order to subscribe/unsubscribe from Alerts. If you have multiple eBird accounts, Alerts subscriptions are managed separately for each account. 

Newsletters let you know about recent eBird news and updates. All eBirders are subscribed to the eBird Newsletter by default. 

If you want to unsubscribe or change your Newsletter preferences, manage your subscription settings using the instructions at the bottom of each email:

Unsubscribe from eBird newsletters

If you accidentally unsubscribe or change your mind, click here to re-subscribe to eBird Newsletters.

I unsubscribed, why are you still emailing me?

It's almost certainly because you have subscriptions from multiple eBird accounts tied to the same email address. Send yourself a username reminder to see a list of all eBird accounts linked to that email. You will need to manage your subscriptions independently for each of your accounts. After that, consider merging your eBird accounts to avoid multiple email subscriptions in the future.

Delete Your Account

If you wish to no longer receive email communications, see Subscribe/Unsubscribe above.

By deleting your Cornell Lab account, you will lose your data, life lists, media, courses, and subscriptions for ALL Cornell Lab projects—this includes your eBird AND Merlin data, and any courses or subscriptions from Bird Academy and Birds of the World purchased by that account. Deleted accounts cannot be recovered.

Deleting an account is rare, and deleted accounts cannot be recovered. 

If you wish to permanently delete ALL of your Cornell Lab account information, click here to request account deletionThis page can also be accessed by tapping your username in the upper right corner of the eBird website and selecting 'Cornell Lab Account'.

Delete account button on Cornell Lab Account page